Sue in degrees

Hi my name is Sue and I am a HLTA in a primary school. I have just started taking classes in KS1 and KS2 to teach ICT. I am in cohort 6 and although I do ICT there is a lot I don't know, for examples, blogging! I am looking forwrd to the challenges ahead.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The school I work in has had the "dreaded phone call", Ofsted is happening next Tuesday and Wednesday. At least it is not the final week with the Christmas parties and festivities planned. I have mnaged to do Module 1 and have started looking at Module 2. Having had a chat on FC with others in my cohort it is not looking quite so scary now, so full steam ahead....well after the breakdown from the Ofsted worries and actual visit.



  • At 4:46 pm, Blogger Lisa said…

    Hi Sue
    We had our ofsted in June so I know how you feel. Don't stress and just be yourself. I agree about it not looking so scary now after having my first multi chat with everyone. Look forward to chatting again.
    Best wishes


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